You Know You’re a Pilot When…

Being a pilot isn’t just a career or a hobby—it’s a way of life. From rubbernecking at every plane overhead to mentally critiquing every landing you witness, aviators have a unique set of habits that make them unmistakably pilots. If you’re wondering whether you’ve fully succumbed to aviation obsession, here are 15 sure-fire signs that confirm your fate.

Even in the middle of an important conversation, if an aircraft flies overhead, you must pause to identify it. Bonus points if you correctly name the type, airline, and model.

Whether you’re flying commercially or watching from the ground, you can’t help but rate every landing on a scale of “greased it” to “let’s check for bent metal.”

Hollywood gets aviation wrong—a lot. From engine sounds that don’t match the aircraft to impossible maneuvers, you can’t help but groan and shake your head.

Need a second to think? “Standby.” Too busy to answer a text? “Standby.” Someone asks what you want for dinner. “Standby.” You’re not ignoring them—you’re just managing radio congestion in your brain.

Who cares if it’s sunny? What’s the visibility, ceiling, and wind speed at your local airport?

Regular people get excited about new phones or shoes. Pilots? They geek out over ANR headsets and well-organized flight bags.

When spelling your name over the phone, you instinctively say, “Alpha, Bravo, Charlie” instead of regular letters.

Sitting in the back of an airliner, you’re mentally reviewing checklists and wondering if the first officer needs a break.

You’ve definitely rehearsed radio calls in the shower and secretly believe your radio voice is significantly cooler than your regular speaking voice.

Beach trips? Theme parks? No thanks. If there’s an air show or aviation expo happening, that’s where you’ll be.

For non-pilots, it’s just fuel. For you, it’s the smell of adventure freedom, and pure aviation joy.

Nothing is more fun than executing a go-around… unless you’re a passenger, in which case, you pretend to be mildly concerned while secretly loving it.

Whether you’re at an airport or passing by one, you can’t resist glancing at the windsock to check conditions.

Yup, just take a deep breath before calmly educating them that pilots don’t drive planes… we FLY them!

Who needs cat videos and influencer drama when you’ve got ForeFlight, SkyVector, and LiveATC?

Sound Familiar?

If you found yourself nodding along to most (or all) of these, congratulations—you’re officially obsessed with aviation. It’s a passion that never fades, no matter how many hours you log. Whether you’re spotting planes, reciting the phonetic alphabet, or judging landings, you’re part of a unique group of aviation enthusiasts who just get it.

If you love flying, you’ll love AIROS – the intelligent digital logbook designed by pilots for pilots. Join AIROS free including 20 hours of premium features on us.

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